3 weeks ago • Caddicarus

Hi everyone, hope you had a lovely Bandicoot Month. I’m currently in the editing process of the next Crash video. Yep, I missed June again. It’s a tired running gag at this point. I do tend to forget that not every single one of you follows me on social media or reads pinned comments on my videos, so for the sake of getting the information out there to anyone who may have missed it - I wanted to let you all know what’s been happening on our end, and why once again I’m behind on work and streaming.

A couple of months ago, my lovely fiancée Cerys (who you would most likely recognise as the wheezing smiley face on my EyeToy video) was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer - one of the fastest growing and most aggressive types (she is completely okay with me telling you this, I asked her permission). Mix that in with the my granddad getting diagnosed with oesophagus cancer in the second half of 2023 and then passing away in early 2024 has already made this year an absolute hellride for us. During all of this I also needed a revision on multiple medications for my own shit causing me to be totally out of action for a few days here and there - it’s been non-stop.

I’m so sorry to dump this heavy news on you all - but PLEASE don’t worry about us - I want to make this absolutely crystal clear. Despite all of what I just said, we are all in a much better position than we were a few months ago. Cerys’ chemo has already started obliterating the tumour, we have gone through/sorted out all of my granddad’s loose ends/funeral, and all of my meds have balanced out perfectly and I feel a million times more in control than I ever have done in my life.

The reason I am letting you all know about this stuff isn’t for sympathy, or a call for support or ANYTHING else - I can’t stomach that thought. It’s purely to let you know where I am and where my time has been going recently - and why my hair is all shaved off (solidarity!). I can’t assume that any of you care about my personal stuff behind the scenes, and I’m sure the majority of you JUST want to see what I make - which is completely valid. Hence, I wanted to let you know about all of this so you know that I’m not getting complacent or running out of ideas or whatever - I’m merely informing you on the explanation why uploads have been so dry and streams so infrequent. Last year was already much slower than I was hoping for in terms of uploads and streams, and I do apologise - 2023 and 2024 have just thrown more at us and our lives than we EVER anticipated, and whenever I’m able to stream or work on videos, I promise you that’s what I’m doing. Life has an annoyingly funny way of just going completely tits up all at once and lasting for months and months. Cerys and I wanted to get married this year, and I even turned 30 this June during all of this - perfect timing, right?! Hahaha. Life can be a borderline dark comedy sometimes.

Either way I’ll stop rambling - all you need to know is that all things considered, we’re doing okay, and we’re all trucking forward. The kids are taking everything like champs, as well. My next video is another stupid monster, I’m aiming to stream a lot more (Cerys loves being a part of them and appreciates the distraction), and I’m working on vids as much as possible whenever I’m not helping out with near-daily hospital trips, chemo side effects and other general stuff you could imagine - alongside all the unrelated family stuff we usually go through! If you’d like to take anything from this, I suppose it’s a plea to just remember that whenever your favourite creators seem to be taking a while to get things done, that there’s always a possibility that heavy personal stuff is going on behind the scenes. We aren’t factories or machines, we’re people. Lots of us don’t have offices, or even have teams - I don’t have either of them - I’m mostly a one-man-show. I write, I ‘star’ (hate using that word lol), I edit, and Olly films while Cerys assists. I get told a lot that I could get an editor for the main channel, but as far as I’m concerned, my edits ARE me, and I would never be comfortable letting anyone else try to replicate how I make my stuff (aside from secondary channels, obviously). Shit happens, and not everyone may want to tell you - so just consider that there MIGHT be stuff happening that you don’t know about with people you enjoy the work of.

Thank you all so much again for your continued support and sticking around no matter how long it takes me to get something out to entertain you. I’m truly blessed that I’m in a position where I can spend quality time with the people that mean the most to me in my life, support them through the worst things that are thrown at them, and still pay the bills while doing something I absolutely love for a job. That is all down to you, and I appreciate all of you for allowing me to do that. Thank you. Keep your loved ones close. Remember the important things in your life. Don’t get bogged down by internet horseshit and social media doomscrolling. Real things around you take precedence, because one day they suddenly might not be there. Love to you all.  #fuckcancer 

2 months ago • Caddicarus

A new 'Best of' gameplay vid has just been uploaded! Enjoy, ya lovelies 

The BEST OF Caddy Plays Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series [OFFICIAL]

Caddy Plays

2 months ago • 17,348 views

3 months ago • Caddicarus

The next main video will be 2h 15m long. Won’t be long, thanks for bearing with me.

In the meantime, fall asleep to my weekly compilation channel specifically edited for relaxing to. Yes, me. Relaxing. I know. 

2 Hours of MORE Kids Games to Fall Asleep To

Caddy Sleeps

3 months ago • 480,361 views

4 months ago • Caddicarus

Just to let you know the vid is well on the way to be finished in the next couple of weeks, definitely gonna be over 90min. Sorry for repeating myself, things haven’t been great here, and I apologise for how long it’s been. I’ve been sharing more updates on Twitter, but one of the more recent things on top of everything else going on was a family member passing away about a week ago. It’s just been a non-stop streak of awful news for us over the last few months ever since late 2023, which is why streams have stopped too - it’s all getting a bit too much to keep the energy up on live camera.

Everyone at home is doing okay, and we’re all just trying to muddle through each day. I apologise again for being so slow with uploads, I do know it’s been bad, and all I can promise you is that I’ve been working every single day as much as I can - even if it’s getting secondary channel things done on Caddy Plays or Caddy Sleeps. Thank you so much for staying subscribed, I don’t expect anybody to at this point. I really hope 2024 starts looking up soon, and I hope you’re all looking forward to what I have in the works. Stay tuned. 

4 months ago • Caddicarus


6 months ago • Caddicarus

Hey, who’s tired? I am, but I’m not falling asleep to myself. You can do it.

Special thanks to  ‪@PelvicGaming‬  for the edit! 

2 Hours of Good Games to Fall Asleep To

Caddy Sleeps

6 months ago • 521,724 views

6 months ago • Caddicarus

In 1 WEEK I’ll be at MAGFest with Cerys , from Jan 18-21, at the Gaylord Resort in National Harbor, MD. Hope to see you there, because I’m gonna MAG all over the floor 

6 months ago • Caddicarus

Happy 2024, everyone. I just wanted to start the new year by saying sorry. I am fully aware that my uploads in 2023 completely dried up and the streaming practically died. I promise you, this wasn’t from lack of trying or getting lazy. 2023 was the roughest year for me in a long time for many reasons, and so many little things popped up to take up my time in ways I never anticipated.

ADHD diagnosis and subsequent medication trials multiple times over causing havoc on my body, back and forth hospital trips regarding chest issues (not related to the ADHD meds funnily enough), multiple trips across the country AND the US for the most convention appearances I’ve done in a year (plus a handful of live stage shows), a couple of heavy family moments (both good AND bad), the biggest depression resurgence I’ve had in years during the last weeks of 2023 leading to ongoing therapy, and something else that’s still happening as I type this - but me and the rest of the family wish to keep it private for now (it isn’t directly about me). Mix that in with timing it all around getting Olly over for filming alongside side projects (like a short film for a plush) and every other daily life thing getting in the way, and….yeah.

I’m not saying any of this for sympathy, I promise you. Things have sucked a bit, but I’m absolutely okay. Look at me and Stan on the stairs - I’m all good. I don’t want anybody to worry, and I’ve already started work on the next video. I just wanted to give you all an explanation on where I’ve been, and I wanted to start the new year on a better foot to assure you there will be more videos and streams very soon. If anything, my new work ethic ensures that no matter how rough things are, you will ALWAYS get the BEST possible videos from me, and I will NOT allow my recent quality streak to go down for love nor money - even if it means only uploading 3 videos in a year. That’s how many I got done on the main channel in 2023. Yeah, I know.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me and for still coming out in droves to see what I have to make. I’ve still got a tonne of ideas and I can’t wait to show you how dumb they are. Here’s to 2024, let’s fuck shit up 🎉 

7 months ago • Caddicarus

I have a New Years present for you. I've launched a new channel.

People often tell me they fall asleep to my vids. I don't get it. But in light of that, I asked  ‪@PelvicGaming‬  to edit down, level audio and remove the chaos of various episode segments so that they are ACTUALLY sleep-friendly for you all.

Sweet dreamz 🥱 

2 Hours of PS1 Games to Fall Asleep To

Caddy Sleeps

7 months ago • 600,253 views

7 months ago • Caddicarus

On December 25th, 11:59pm EST, Spons’ son was declared dead. He could not be saved. Thank you to everyone who tried. December 26th is officially a day of mourning for everyone in our household, and is to be named ‘Sponsing Day’.

Oh yeah your plush kites should be with you in early 2024, I guess